Zadarská riviera

Zadarska Riviera With a population of 115,451 at the time of the 2020 United States Census, it is the ninth most populous city in the state. Wilmington is the principal city of the Wilmington Metropolitan Statistical Area, a metropolitan area that includes New Hanover and Pender counties in southeastern North Carolina,[3] which has a population […]

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Crikvenica Virginia Beach, independent city, southeastern Virginia, U.S., on the Atlantic coast and Chesapeake Bay, adjacent to the cities of Norfolk and Chesapeake in the Hampton Roads region. The city extends 28 miles (45 km) southward from the mouth of Chesapeake Bay to the North Carolina border, covering 302 square miles (782 square km) of […]

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Ostrov RAB

Ostrov RAB Virginia was nicknamed the Old Dominion for its loyalty to the exiled Charles II of England during the Puritan Commonwealth and Protectorate (1653–59). It has one of the longest continuous histories among the American states, dating from the settlement of Jamestown in the early 17th century. It was named for Elizabeth I, the […]

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Starigrad Paklenica

Starigrad Paklenica With a population of 115,451 at the time of the 2020 United States Census, it is the ninth most populous city in the state. Wilmington is the principal city of the Wilmington Metropolitan Statistical Area, a metropolitan area that includes New Hanover and Pender counties in southeastern North Carolina,[3] which has a population […]

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Primosten Primošten je chorvatská opčina na pobřeží Jaderského moře na poloostrově při zálivu Luka Primošten, 26 km jižně od Šibeniku. V 60. letech 20. století na sousedním poloostrově Raduća začalo vznikat turistické letovisko. V roce 2011 žilo v Primoštenu 1 631 obyvatel, v celé opčině pak 2 828 obyvatel. Jadran Travel doporučuje Hotel THE VIEW […]

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Selce Medzi najobľúbenejšie pláže v Selce patria na seba nadväzujúce pieskovo-okruhliakové pláže Rokan a Poli Mora, ktoré boli ocenené Modrou vlajkou (symbol kvality mora, životného prostredia a dobrej vybavenosti pláže). Obe pláže sú vďaka pozvoľnému vstupu do mora vhodné aj pre deti. Pláže ponúkajú pestré turistické vybavenie – reštaurácie, kaviarne, detské ihriská, vonkajšie sprchy, prezliekarne […]

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Biograd na moru

Biograd na Moru Philadelphia, city and port, coextensive with Philadelphia county, southeastern Pennsylvania, U.S. It is situated at the confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers. Area 135 square miles (350 square km). Pop. (2010) 1,526,006; Philadelphia Metro Division, 4,008,994; Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Metro Area, 5,965,343; (2020) 1,603,797; Philadelphia Metro Division, 2,180,627; Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Metro Area, 6,245,051. Philadelphia […]

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Istria Delaware, constituent state of the United States of America. The first of the original 13 states to ratify the federal Constitution, it occupies a small niche in the Boston–Washington, D.C., urban corridor along the Middle Atlantic seaboard. It ranks 49th among the 50 U.S. states in terms of total area and is one of […]

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OSTROVY Hovorí sa, že v Chorvátsku je slovenské more. Menej sa však spomína to, čo všetko k tejto krajine patrí. Vedeli ste, že Chorvátsko má až 1244 ostrovov? Pozrite si, kde môžete ešte toto leto stráviť príjemnú dovolenku. Jadran Travel doporučuje Hotel THE VIEW The View beach, Novi Vinodolski, Croatia 0 / 5 (Žiadna recenzia) […]

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Kvarner Na Kvarnere sa môžete ubytovať na pevnine alebo na niektorom z obľúbených ostrovov, ako sú Pag, Lošinj alebo Krk. Môžete si vybrať zo širokej ponuky súkromného ubytovania v apartmánoch a domoch robinzonského štýlu, ktoré sú od pláže často vzdialené len niekoľko desiatok metrov. Takmer všetky apartmány a izby majú klimatizáciu a vlastnú kúpelňu. Geografická […]

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