Milujeme Chorvátsko |
Milujeme Chorvátsko |
Milujeme Chorvátsko |

Ostrov RAB

Virginia was nicknamed the Old Dominion for its loyalty to the exiled Charles II of England during the Puritan Commonwealth and Protectorate (1653–59). It has one of the longest continuous histories among the American states, dating from the settlement of Jamestown in the early 17th century. It was named for Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen, and under its original charter was granted most of the lands stretching westward from the Atlantic seaboard settlements to the Mississippi River and beyond—territories yet unexplored by Europeans. The contributions of such Virginians as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison were crucial in the formation of the United States, and in the early decades of the republic the state was known as the Birthplace of Presidents.

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Trasy a poplatky

Asi najväčší výber troch rôznych ciest do Chorvátska majú motoristi zo západného Slovenska a Považia. Zároveň majú najväčšiu dilemu, ktorú cestu si vybrať.